About dog
Welsh Corgi Pembroke is a small dog with a funny appearance and a cheerful, sociable disposition. She belongs to the group of shepherds and is considered a universal shepherd. The breed is suitable for beginner dog breeders and is becoming more and more popular every year.
Brief History of Origin
The breed appeared several centuries ago. This is evidenced by excavations at the site of a settlement that existed at the turn of the VIII-IX centuries. Among the numerous finds of archaeologists, the remains of a small dog, similar to the current representatives of the breed, were found. Interesting! In the X century, the Welsh king Hivel the Good issued a decree according to which the owner had the right to receive a whole ox for compensation for the murder of a shepherd Welsh Corgi. Presumably mini-shepherds come from the Lundehund or the Swedish Walhund. The breed has much in common with both those and others. Mini-shepherds were used not only to graze sheep, but also to look after herds of ponies. And when the Welsh farmers closely engaged in breeding poultry, dogs of this breed began to help to drive geese and ducks to the city markets. The official presentation of the breed took place as part of an exhibition in England in 1925. Until 1934, the Welsh Corgi were not divided into Pembrokes and Cardigans. But then The Kennel Club of Great Britain recognized that these are two different breeds. Then, to visually indicate the difference between a cardigan and a pembroke, the latter decided to stop the tail.
Interesting Facts
  1. The word “Corgi” is interpreted in different ways. Some believe that the name of the breed came from the Welsh cor (collect, observe) and gi (dog). Others translate it as “gnome” or “dwarf”. Still others interpret the word corgi as “angry dog” or “crossbreed”.
  2. According to one legend, the breed has a Welsh track. Peasant children during a walk in the forest found two funny puppies of elves and took them with them. From that moment on, the villagers had reliable four-legged helpers.
  3. According to another ancient legend, mini-shepherds served as sled dogs in the forest fairies. Once the sorceresses saw that a shepherd could not cope with a flock that ran across the pasture, and decided to help him by giving a couple of puppies.
  4. In 1933, the Duke of York, who later became King George VI, presented his daughters with a Pembroke puppy. Since that time, mini-shepherds constantly live in Buckingham Palace and accompany their crowned owners at official receptions. And Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is considered a true connoisseur and connoisseur of the Welsh Corgi breed.
Dimensions and Constitution
Welsh Corgi are short-legged, stocky dogs of a long format. Mini-shepherds have developed muscles and a strong skeleton. An important parameter in the proportions of the Welsh Corgi is the ratio of the length of the back to the growth of the dog. It should be 3: 2. The height of the adult representative of the breed is 25-30 cm at the withers, and the weight varies between 11-13 kg.
Description of the breed, standards and appearance
  1. A fox-shaped head with a moderate foot. A wide, flat skull narrows to the eyes. The nose is black, well pigmented. The lower jaw is clearly defined, but does not protrude. Strong white teeth of a mini-shepherd are closed in a scissor bite.
  2. Eyes of medium size, set wide, clear, surrounded by dark eyelids. The color is mainly brown. Gray-marbled representatives of the breed have blue eyes.
  3. Ears are standing, large, with rounded tips, wide at the base, far set apart.
  4. The body is massive, stretched. The chest is deep, moderately wide. The ribs are arched. The top line is straight.
  5. The legs are smooth, short, with rounded paws. The Welsh Corgi moves freely and energetically, firmly pressing his elbows to his sides.
The international classification provides for the official division of Welsh Corgi into separate types:
• welsh corgi cardigan;
• welsh corgi pembroke
Cardigans are relatively tall dogs with a long tail and a larger snout. These mini-shepherds have incredible performance and inspire respect with their appearance.
The second type of Welsh Corgi Pembroke has shorter legs and a characteristic “smile”. Unlike cardigans, pembrokes are allowed short-tail.
How to choose a puppy?
When choosing a puppy, remember that you are choosing not just a fluffy baby, but a dog with whom you will spend the next 10-12 years of life.
Good health and the right temperament for living together is much more important than color or gender. Therefore, we recommend that you first choose a kennel and a breeder who will tell you about the principles of their work, show their pedigree dogs and always help you in the future with training and rearing. Welsh Corgi Pembroke has never been easy to breed dogs, and getting guaranteed quality puppies is a costly and responsible task. Therefore, such puppies are quite expensive.
In order not to become the owner of a mestizo or a sick Welsh Corgi, it is better to contact a specialized nursery or a trusted breeder for a puppy.
By the time of sale, the baby should have a veterinary passport with vaccination marks and a metric confirming its origin.
Puppies with their mother should be kept in good conditions and be reasonably well fed.
On a note. Little Welsh Corgi - funny, curious and a little intrusive creatures.
A cowardly or aggressive behavior of a puppy should be a reason to refuse to buy.
The health of the little Welsh Corgi can be judged by their appearance.
The puppy should have clean eyes, a soft stomach, a wet nose and a shiny coat without bald patches or scratches.
Proper diet
English Corgi is unpretentious in nutrition and has an excellent appetite. Drying and natural products are suitable for feeding dogs of this breed. In the first case, the Welsh Corgi produce high-quality premium or super premium class food, which contains no doubtful additives. The daily rate is calculated according to the table on the package, depending on the weight of the mini-shepherd.
Important! A Welsh Corgi who eats dry food should have unhindered access to clean drinking water.
Meat (60%) + organs (heart, kidneys, scar) + raw bones (chicken and turkey neck, chicken backs) should prevail in the diet of a dog that uses natural products. Twice a week it is replaced with marine low-fat fish. Also, the Welsh Corgi menu must be entered:
• vegetables;
• eggs;
• dairy products.
It is strictly forbidden to feed the Welsh Corgi sausage, potatoes, onions, barley, sweets, pastries, pork and river fish. Any food from the owner’s table is also contraindicated.
Color and type of coat
Welsh Corgi is a short-haired dog. The whole body of the mini-shepherd is covered with a straight stiff awn, under which a dense dense undercoat is hidden. The color of the coat depends on the variety of dog. Pembrokes allowed:
• red;
• sable;
• tan;
• black and tan.
Small white marks are allowed on the dog’s head, neck, muzzle, limbs and chest.
Cardigans come in:
• red;
• sables;
• brindle;
• tricolor;
• blue-marble.
Nature and behavior
Welsh Corgi - charming and friendly dogs that are easy to contact. Mini Shepherds are very hardy, energetic and intelligent. The Welsh Corgi has a perfectly developed shepherd’s instinct and completely lacks aggression towards people. Cute, cheerful dogs are never in a bad mood. Welsh Corgi are able to enjoy everything they do. Mini-shepherds sincerely rejoice in communication with the owner, fun walks and even work.
Basic Questions
  1. boy or girl?

    Girls are more affectionate and obedient than guys, so they are better suited for families with children. Guys need more upbringing and physical activity, so they are excellent partners for active and athletic hosts. Both boys and girls need to educate and train teams. You should not choose a boy for reasons that "he does not need to give birth to puppies later." Puppies for girls, as well as mating for boys, are not a necessity; they live perfectly without them, both sterilized and not.
  2. With or without documents?

    Only the pedigree of the Russian Cynological Federation (or the cynological organization of another country) will confirm that you have Welsh Corgi Pembroke, and not a mixed breed. Only puppies from parents from the pedigree can be registered, get in turn a pedigree, and with confidence be called Welsh Corgi Pembroke. Only the pedigree allows you to trace the ancestors and learn about hereditary diseases or heritable colors. The pedigree is your insurance! So, decide.
  3. Small or grown?

    A small puppy (from 2 months), of course, is cute, but at first it takes effort to constantly clean, and time to feed 5 times a day, frequent walks and education, he can not be left alone at home. A puppy (from 6 months old) can walk less often, stay at home longer, does not require food at night, with it you can immediately start attending obedience courses, to the pool, to exhibitions. The change of teeth ends by the age of 7 months and the desire to bite everything on the puppy also gradually passes. Getting used to the new house and owners at the Welsh Corgi Pembroke is easy at almost any age.
  4. Red, tricolor or maybe sable?

    All three colors are the breed standard. Choose the one that you like the most. Contrary to popular belief, there is no connection between the color and health or character of the dog. When choosing a puppy, consider not so much color as temperament.
  5. The most active or the calmest?

    Even the calmest puppy is very active the first year of his life. However, temperament in terms of degree of excitability and ability to self-control is inherited in many respects from parents and is visible from 1 month. Ask the breeder to choose a puppy that is suitable for your temperament, lifestyle, and your expectations for dog behavior. This is important so that you and your new pet can live more comfortably together and better understand each other.
  6. Exhibition or for home and family?

    This is a conditional division. In one litter more effective outwardly “show” puppies are born, and less promising, but often only a professional sees the difference. Kennels sell all puppies, both exhibition and domestic, and always only with documents. Both may be exhibited, but the results will be different. More promising puppies, as a rule, are intended not only for owners' ambitions, but also for breeding.
Puppy care
After moving to a new home, the little Welsh Corgi is given a little time to adapt. As soon as the dog gets used to the owners, he will be accustomed to a specific daily routine, hygiene procedures and rules of conduct.
At first, it is desirable to feed the Welsh Corgi puppy with what the breeder gave, gradually adding new products. The multiplicity of meals depends on age:
• 8-12 weeks - 5 times a day;
• 4-6 months - 4 times a day;
• 7-10 months - 3 times a day.
Subsequently, the Welsh Corgi are transferred to a double diet.
Care and maintenance of an adult dog
A long but short-footed Welsh Corgi is not adapted for life on the street.
It is better to keep such a dog in an apartment or in a house.
In general, looking after a Welsh Corgi is no more difficult than taking care of a representative of any other breed.
In order for a mini-shepherd to feel comfortable, the dog is provided with good nutrition, hygiene procedures, mental and physical stress.
Walking and exercise
Welsh Corgi - active and hardy dogs suitable for shepherd's service. To maintain healthy dogs provide regular long walks and moderate physical activity.

On a note. Due to the elongated body of the Welsh Corgi, jumping from a height is contraindicated. And to maintain muscle tone and strengthen ligaments, dogs of this breed are useful for jogging.
Training and education
Welsh Corgi are smart, savvy and highly intelligent dogs. Mini-shepherds are easy to train and easily remember new teams. The puppy starts training after he turns 3 months old. And until that moment, the pet is accustomed to the owners, nickname, leash and collar.

On a note. So that an active and active Welsh Corgi does not get tired of classes and does not lose interest in learning, training should not be monotonous.
Care and hygiene
To make the mini-shepherd look aesthetically pleasing, the dog is provided with regular care. Welsh Corgi are taught hygiene from puppyhood.
• A dog of this breed is bathed 3-4 times a year using special shampoo. If during a walk in rainy weather the Welsh Corgi stained the lower part of the body, it is not necessary to wash it whole. Mini-shepherds just rinse the contaminated body parts under a shower without shampoo.
• Welsh Corgi are combed out a couple of times a week with a comb for dogs. During molting, the procedure is repeated daily.
• Welsh Corgi eyes and ears are regularly wiped with a cotton swab and examined for uncharacteristic discharge.
• Teeth, when plaque appears, are cleaned with a special brush with a paste that does not foam.
• Claws are shortened with a claw cutter or stitched with a dremel at least once a month.
Vaccinations and a tendency to disease
Welsh Corgi - healthy dogs, endowed with good immunity and living for about 11-15 years. But the breed still has a predisposition to certain diseases. Therefore, a responsible breeder always makes tests for genetic diseases for his breeding dogs. This helps prevent potential health problems in the offspring.

Also, to protect the Corgi from certain diseases, representatives of the breed are regularly vaccinated with a complex drug that provides immunity:

• from carnivore plague;
• viral hepatitis;
• leptospirosis;
• parvovirus enteritis;
• rabies.

For the first time, Corgis are vaccinated at the age of 8-9 weeks. After 21 days, the procedure is repeated. Subsequently, the dog is vaccinated annually. Before vaccination, Welsh Corgi must be treated for fleas and helminths.
Pros and cons of the breed
pros Minuses
Unpretentiousness in leaving Corgi is never too much! You will definitely get the second one))
Fast learner
High adaptability
Tendency to idleness